“Barcodes made my life easier”
Overheard a story of a lady who had worked at a supermarket since 1967 (50+ years!). And the most helpful change in that time was the introduction of barcodes.
When people were asked what their favourite things about her were one woman responded, “She’s disgusting,” then she kept going, “she’s happy all the time, she smiles, says hello, asks how your day is, asks how the kids are going, always shares stories, I don’t know how she does it.”
Another lady said, “I always look forward to coming and seeing if she’s working. She makes my day.”
Looking at it from a far, you could claim ask, “didn’t she want to do anything different?”
You could say, “a checkout chick for 50 years? I couldn’t do that.”
Of course, you don’t have to. She didn’t have to either. Nor did she have to try and make the days of those she interacted with a little better. But she did anyway.
“Before barcodes,” she said, “I’d have to look for the price on the item and type it in or add it up manually. It took longer and sometimes you’d make mistakes, well, I’d make mistakes because I had too much fun talking to people,” she laughed a little and kept going, “now with the barcodes, I can talk to people and barely make any mistakes!”
“Will you ever retire?” Someone asked.
“Never. I enjoy doing my part for the community where I can and I’ve got no plans on stopping. Life is already like a holiday for me.”
“What’s your secret?”
“Nothing really. I just think whatever you’re doing, you should at least try and have fun with it. And that’s what I do.”
Whatever you’re trying to do. Have fun with it.