I teach AI and machine learning

Various machine learning courses taught by Daniel Bourke, from data science and ML to TensorFlow and PyTorch

If you're a beginner and want to get started with AI and machine learning, I offer three video-based courses.

All are through the Zero to Mastery Academy and are taught in apprenticeship style.

Meaning, throughout the videos, I (or Andrei, my teaching partner) write code, you write code.

1. Zero to Mastery Data Science and Machine Learning and AI Bootcamp

This course is for complete beginners and has zero prerequisites.

Meaning, if you've never written code before, you're in the right place.

The course will take you from zero code to writing Python (the most popular machine learning programming language) machine learning code across 40+ hours of video.


2. Zero to Mastery TensorFlow for Deep Learning

This course is a follow-on from the first and specifically focuses on deep learning, a subset of machine learning with outstanding results in many fields.

The ZTM TensorFlow course packs 60+ hours of video to take you from having a little experience with Python machine learning code to replicating state-of-the-art deep learning research papers.


3. Zero to Mastery PyTorch for Deep Learning

If you've got experience writing Python code and want to learn about machine learning and deep learning code first, this course is for you.

We'll go through important machine learning concepts by writing PyTorch code.

And since PyTorch is the most used framework for machine learning research, knowing how to read and write it means you'll be right at the cutting edge of the field.



If you have any further questions about the courses, feel free to email me.

AI & Machine Learning Monthly Newsletter

I also write a newsletter called AI & Machine Learning Monthly.

It contains the latest and greatest (but not always the latest) things, resources and ideas from the wonderful world of machine learning.

If you'd like to stay up-to-date with the field, you can get it delivered to your inbox one per month (free) by signing up to the Zero to Mastery newsletter.

See an example Machine Learning Monthly from April 2024.

More resources (that aren't mine)

For more beginner-friendly to intermediate courses and resource recommendations check out the machine learning courses, books and resources I recommend.


The following are screenshots of students' reviews of the course from my email and the ZTM Discord (each course comes with a very helpful online community).