Let's stay in touch
I've got two newsletters.
- Eat, Move, Learn, Make – Writing for the hungry, active, curious and creative. I send it out once a month or so with blog post style thoughts, fun stories and updates on my works.
- AI/Machine Learning Monthly (AI & ML Monthly) – A collection of helpful resources, tutorials, research papers and educational breakdowns on the latest and greatest in machine learning/AI. This is published through Zero to Mastery, the platform where I teach beginner-friendly machine learning classes.
Both are free.
ML Monthly comes out at the beginning of each month. You can sign up to it at zerotomastery.io.
And Eat, Move, Learn, Make comes out every sometimes.
Past issues of Eat, Move, Learn, Make:
- November 2021: My first day on a farm – I decided I'd like to do more things with my hands and sit at a desk less so I emailed a local farm asking if I could come help one day per week. This issue tells the story of my first day.
- October 2021: 28 something ideas for 28 something years – Favourite books and aphorisms on health, wealth, commuication, human nature and more from my 28th year.
- May 2021: My (new) TensorFlow for Deep Learning Course is live on Udemy
- January 2021: The Buttons for the User Interface of Reality
- December 2020: Filtering out what matters
- October 2020: The 10 Commandments of Self-Taught Machine Learning Engineers
- September 2020: You don't need permission (to make, create, start, be, go, invent, become)
- August 2020: I turn 27 tomorrow: here's ~27 micro-essays on life
- July 2020: Hill sprints will teach you who you are
- June 2020: Answering the question "How can a beginner data scientist like me gain experience?"
- May 2020: From Lockdown, with Love
- April 2020: How to learn machine learning and improve your health (at the same time)
- March 2020: My machine learning course got pirated (good)
- February 2020: 8,021 machine learning students & counting + a cure for shiny object syndrome
- January 2020: I just launched a machine learning course