Sudden vs. Gradual
Your biggest changes can happen suddenly or gradually.
Losing 50kg starts with a decision starts with a decision to lose weight and get healthier.
Getting a new job starts with a decision to get a new job.
Running your own business starts with a decision to start and run your own business.
Finishing a marathon starts with a decision to finish a marathon.
Writing a book starts with a decision to write a book.
Learning to code starts with a decision to learn to code.
Happiness starts with a decision to be happy.
Loving yourself starts with a decision to look in the mirror and say I love you.
You can make the decision gradually. Overtime, convince yourself you’re going to do it after getting a bit of momentum.
Or you can make it suddenly. And that’s it. Once you’ve decided, the change has been made.
There’s no question of the time it takes to make the change happen. But ask most who’ve done it. They’ll tell you the change happened when they started.