The man on the boat

The man on the boat

The sun was setting and it was one of those ones where it’s so beautiful it’d be rude to look away. I was walking along the beach saying to myself I’ll keep walking until it sets and then I’ll turn around. Out on the water was a big boat. Not sail the seven seas big but big enough to fit 10 people in nice rooms. One of the people, a man in a white shirt, was sitting on the front lounged out on a chair. I looked at this man and then back at the boat and thought wow, having a boat like that must be great and the view must be amazing.

Then I realised. We were looking at the same sunset. The same beautiful sunset. No more than 50 meters apart. Except I was on a very nice beach and he was on a very nice boat.

I saw my friends up on the hill watching the sunset too. But I decided to take this one for myself and kept walking then sat on the sand and continued to sit for a while. Thinking, staring.

When it went below the horizon I bounded to my feet and saw a little slither of it fade away again. Two sunsets in one day. Not bad. I got up wondering if the man on the boat knew the trick to getting two sunsets in one day. Then I thought, nah, one’s enough.