Psychology Mistaking the menu for the food Let’s do an experiment. A chef who can’t read comes into your kitchen to cook you a meal. You’re sitting in another room and can’t see what they’re making but you can smell it. On the bench top there are two cans, one red, one
Decision Making Placebo yourself If there’s something that you’d like to do or some condition you’d like to be true, let it happen. Believe it’s going to happen. Write it down. Start talking about it with yourself. I’ve got this. You (I) can do it. That’s what most
Decision Making Shedding old skin A snake slithers out of its old skin without effort. A caterpillar decides it’s time to become a butterfly, encases itself in a cocoon, rests, and emerges with colourful wings. All of nature happens this way. No effort. Like air entering and leaving your lungs, happening by itself. Want
Decision Making How fast is your OODA loop? Originally developed for Air Force combat, the OODA loop (observe, orient, decide, act) can be applied in any battle. Even when the opponent is oneself.
Decision Making The Buttons for the User Interface of Reality Become an author of your reality by stacking your talents, affirming yourself, sparking curiosity, injecting novelty, painting contrast and keeping it simple simple simple.
Newsletter Filtering out what matters What do you have without your health? Five questions to ask yourself everyday. The optionality of life. Using time and boredom to guide your decisions.
Projects 42 days: a cure for shiny object syndrome If you had the next 6 weeks to work on whatever you wanted, what would you make?
Decision Making Trust one eye more than two ears 99% of your thought process is dedicated to maintaining your self-conceptions but 98% of them are wrong. This usually trips most people up. Because the lengths people will go to save face are extraordinary. You’re probably not as scared of failing as you think. You’re more scared of
Decision Making Cook or chemist? A chemist needs things to be exact. Their tools measure down to the smallest unit. It’s in a chemist’s best interest to stick to the recipe. If something is off by even a little, it’s over. A cook does the opposite. They work off feel. Once they’
Decision Making Precision or applicability? Which one are you going for? Are you trying to be perfect? Trying to be right all the time? Or are you trying to be useful? I’ll say it until I go hoarse, it saddens me to think how many opportunities I’ve missed because I was waiting for
Life and Living What if you did the exact opposite? (like the rogue bees do) Bees have a dance to indicate to others where food is. It’s called the waggle dance. Great name. But a significant portion of bees in a hive completely ignore the waggle dance and venture off on their own accord. Scientists studied this and were perplexed as to why. It
Thinking Thinking for yourself A decade ago I was scared. It was the last year of high-school and teachers were asking “what do you want to do in your life?”. > “Lady, I’ve got no idea, I wake up, get dressed, come to school, listen, try to pass the exams, think about playing
Marketing Does this plane have Wi-Fi? It’s easy to get caught up in things which seem important on the surface. But dig a little deeper and you'll find out, they take up almost 0% of the average users brain. Imagine a conversation in a major airline executive meeting where the contest is between
Life and Living Have you got scars? Life is all about risk taking. All about the outliers. All about having skin in the game. People relate to other people having scars. Superman requires Clark Kent to make him relatable. If he continued being invincible, no one would be able to relate. That’s what you need to
Thinking Avoid being a donkey (but also be a donkey) There’s a story I’ve heard a few times and each time I read or hear it, I think, I should remember this. It begins with a donkey who’s hungry and thirsty. To its left is a bucket of water and to its right is a pile of