Machine Learning How I got TensorFlow Developer Certified (and how you can too) I decided to get TensorFlow Developer Certified. So I set myself up with a curriculum to sharpen my skills and took the certification exam a couple of days ago. Turns out, I passed.
Machine Learning My Machine Learning Curriculum for May 2020: Getting TensorFlow Developer Certified 1 Python book + 1 machine learning books + 1 machine learning course + 30(ish) days == TensorFlow Certified.
Machine Learning How to learn machine learning and improve your health at the same time Here’s a new rule: If your model is moving, you’re moving.
Machine Learning Replicating Airbnb's Amenity Detection with Detectron2 A rip-roaring ride through the design, building and deployment of a custom machine learning project.
Machine Learning My machine learning course got pirated If you stumble across a free version of my course, I hope you enjoy it, don't feel guilty for using it, it's yours as much as mine.
Communication How to Think About Communicating and Sharing Your Work Got technical skills? Good. Here's how you can communicate them.
Machine Learning Learning something new? Don't try and boil the ocean Does someone need to know the inner workings of a combustion engine to learn how to drive a car? Of course not. You get in, you realise there’s a wheel, two or three pedals, a gear stick which you set to D (for drive) and then a collection of
Getting Started Suck at something new Dave and I had an idea once. We were driving down to the beach. On the way, we stopped by waterfall with the rope swing. I was supposed to be doing university work and Dave was supposed to be working at the bank but we couldn’t care. Adventure awaited.
Learning How long does it take? My physics teacher had a saying. Every time we’d ask a question which had many different possible answers, he’d say, “how long is a piece of string?”. Being physics students someone eventually realised the length of any piece of string is twice half its length. So from then
Learning Which Python, machine learning, data science course is best? Someone sent me an email the other day asking which Python course would accelerate their learning the most. It’s a tough question, because there’s many different courses out there. What makes it harder is most of them are good, follow them and you’ll learn something. When I
Machine Learning Getting your computer ready for machine learning: How, what and why you should use Anaconda, Miniconda and Conda What are Anaconda, Miniconda and Conda? How do you create a Conda environment for machine learning? Why should you use them? This article will show you.
Machine Learning A 6 Step Field Guide for Building Machine Learning Projects Have data and want to know how you can use machine learning with it? Read this.
Data Science 5 Beginner Friendly Steps to Learn Machine Learning and Data Science with Python "I want to learn machine learning and data science, where do I start?" Here.
Machine Learning 6 Techniques Which Help Me Study Machine Learning Five Days Per Week I studied machine learning every day for 9-months, then got a job. How? Like this…
Machine Learning The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book Book Review The start here and continue here of machine learning. 100-pages in 10-minutes. You ready?
Machine Learning 12 Things I Learned During My First Year as a Machine Learning Engineer Being your own biggest sceptic, the value in trying things which might not work and why communication problems are harder than technical problems.
Machine Learning How to Start Your Own Machine Learning Projects What courses don’t (and can’t) teach you.
Machine Learning How I Passed the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Certification Exam Without the recommended 3-years hands-on experience
Stories Single Machine Learning Engineer Takes Laptop on a Date for Valentine’s Day A story of love and loss functions.
Machine Learning Thinking of Self-Studying Machine Learning? Remind yourself of these 6 things I’m a self-taught Machine Learning Engineer, here’s what I’d tell myself if I started again.
Machine Learning Bioinformatics: Where code meets biology A brief introduction to the future of healthcare.
Tutorial A Gentle Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis Includes: pretty drawings, a walkthrough Kaggle example and many a challenge.
Machine Learning What kind of data does your company have? Knowing what kind of data your business has can help you understand how you can use it.
Machine Learning Being a Self-Taught Machine Learning Engineer: 7-months in 7 things I’ve learned after my first 7-months as a Machine Learning Engineer.
Machine Learning ‘I want to learn Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Where can I start?’ How I went from Apple Genius to startup failure to Uber driver to machine learning engineer.