Nutrify Introducing Nutrify | Learn about food with AI Like Shazam. But for food. A simple app to make learning about food fun.
Decision Making How fast is your OODA loop? Originally developed for Air Force combat, the OODA loop (observe, orient, decide, act) can be applied in any battle. Even when the opponent is oneself.
Business Building a business from a bedroom, $98,130 and 11-months in Lessons learned sleeping 4 ft. from my office.
Creating Who’s going to take responsibility? With opportunity comes responsibility. You can’t have the benefits of opportunity without the efforts of responsibility. The internet has given you the opportunity to create things at little to no costs. Writing is basically free. But it’s your responsibility to sit down and get the words out. A
Business Copy others until you figure out your own style “They said to go out on my own,” he said, “but I told them I have no idea what I’m doing.” He kept going. “So then they said, don’t worry, just copy us until you figure it out, we’ll help you out if you need,” he looked
Productivity How I became a productivity machine I spend a lot of time thinking about how to spend my time. You might be the same. I’ve tried every system you can imagine. Some worked, some didn’t. It’s no surprise the one I keep coming back to is simple. My two guiding principles are less
Business Staying in business The kitchen down the road has changed hands 3 times in the last 3 years. This time I think they're staying. They've found their groove. I had eggs and greens there this morning. They were delicious. One of the ladies put extra mushrooms on the side.
Machine Learning A 6 Step Field Guide for Building Machine Learning Projects Have data and want to know how you can use machine learning with it? Read this.
Business I earned $10,363.60 online last month, here's how I left my job two months ago. Since then, I've tripled my salary.
Business The "2 Year Self Apprenticeship" My friend sent me this post. The "2 Year Self Apprenticeship" model by @lewismockerReading it was a form of confirmation bias. It was as if I was reading what I’d been subconsciously (or consciously? How do you tell?) doing the past 2-years. I’m in between step
Machine Learning What kind of data does your company have? Knowing what kind of data your business has can help you understand how you can use it.
Business David Ogilvy’s 3 Requirements for Writing Advertisements that Sell Want to write advertisements that make the cash register ring? Do these three things.
Life Lessons 21 Things I Learned From Becoming Warren Buffett Becoming Warren Buffett []I recently watched the HBO documentary Becoming Warren Buffett [http://The%20views%20and%20lessons%20learned%20in%20this%20article%20are%20just%20what%20my%20intuition%20is%20telling%20me,%20I%20don’t%20know%20if%20they’re%20right%20but%20they’ve%20worked%20for%20me.] . To