Stories The man on the boat The sun was setting and it was one of those ones where it’s so beautiful it’d be rude to look away. I was walking along the beach saying to myself I’ll keep walking until it sets and then I’ll turn around. Out on the water was
Stories Curious about the world Jack’s here. He’s 10. He reminds me of me. Hanging around with the older people, asking them questions, seeing how things are done. I’m a few years older now but I still remember what it was like when I was 10. I know how Jack feels. You’
Stories What would the jellyfish think? “Does she think I’m fat?” “What’s he doing?” “I can’t believe he said that.” “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” “He’s not doing that is he?” “Why aren’t I getting the attention they are?” And more things like this. There’s a
Poems One last walk From walking along the desks at school Everyone looking on There’s a dog in the classroom What’s a dog doing here? Soon enough everyone starts to enjoy it Good dogs do their own thing Play, walk, eat, sleep, shit Simple Conan was a good dog Black and fluffy
Stories A good tired It’s getting warmer. Getting up early is getting easier. The sun is up, you can walk out the front, feel it on your chest, feel the energy. I love the heat. I love this time of year. People say how hot it is, I tell them how much I
Stories What if it was right there? When I was little I used to wonder where people would go when they died. I learned about souls. Learned about heaven. It sounded like a great place. I looked at the clouds above and tried to jump and touch them. My Dads friend asked what I was doing. I
Stories Worst advice: Stay in your lane His bike had a Hulk doll on the front. It was connected to a big spring so it dangled a little. “Looks good,” someone said. “Yeah, there’s still a creak in the back wheel but it’s coming along.” He took off his helmet and sat down. “How long
Stories “Barcodes made my life easier” Overheard a story of a lady who had worked at a supermarket since 1967 (50+ years!). And the most helpful change in that time was the introduction of barcodes. When people were asked what their favourite things about her were one woman responded, “She’s disgusting,” then she kept going,
Business Copy others until you figure out your own style “They said to go out on my own,” he said, “but I told them I have no idea what I’m doing.” He kept going. “So then they said, don’t worry, just copy us until you figure it out, we’ll help you out if you need,” he looked
Stories The sun will shine on you differently There was a bit of a bump getting into the car park. I found a spot and stopped. The door handle is broken so I opened the window, opened the door from the outside and held it open whilst I put the window up. As I got out, it started
Stories The girl from yesterday It’s funny how it goes. You could be working on something all day and then run into a girl you know. One you used to lust over, not anymore but plenty in the past. And it throws your whole system out of whack. All the memories are so strong.
Stories “Oh, so you’ve got a real job” We were sitting at the dinner table getting to know each other. I’d been on a few dates with their daughter so I wanted to make a good impression. I was a mix of nerves and confidence. Nerves because I was 17 and meeting a girls parents for the
Art How many times do I have to be reminded? I finish this afternoon and not everything has been done. The work started to decline by the end. The dogs were barking, the wind was blowing far too much. I start feeling agitated. And a deeper agitation starts to form because of the first. Compound interest. Then I put on
Art Attention to detail Dad and I went to the barber today. The local one down the road. I always get Alex. He's from Colombia. Loves baseball, loves his little girl. She's 7-months old now. Time flies. I was watching him while waiting. The start of each cut was rough.
Stories A worthwhile investment The late afternoon rolls in and my work gets sloppy. I call it and get changed. I signed up to a new gym down the road. It’s 4-6 minutes walk depending on the traffic. The afternoon is beautiful. I go down the other street, not mine the one on
Stories Stick and lick The letters would come in. I’d read some of them. Builders notices. That’s who we worked for. A building company. We’d be in the mail room for hours. One box would fill up, then another would come in. More letters. Thank you Rina. Jordan and I listened
Stories Vibrations I was 8 and so was he. Sitting on the bus during a school trip looking out the window. Talking about 8-year-old things. We started playing eye spy. Eye spy with my little eye. The one with the letters. I had a turn. He got it. He starts talking. I
Stories The Phenix -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sign out front said Phenix. It meant to say Phoenix but the O was out. Charlie walked up. The security guard spoke. Got ID? Charlie pulled out his wallet. Gave the guard his ID. What’s this? It’s an Australian licence. Charlie was from out of town.
Stories Sales Lessons 101 From a Homeless Guy Thomas James just got $8.50 out of me. Why? Because he put the hard sell on me.
Stories Single Machine Learning Engineer Takes Laptop on a Date for Valentine’s Day A story of love and loss functions.
Machine Learning ‘I want to learn Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Where can I start?’ How I went from Apple Genius to startup failure to Uber driver to machine learning engineer.
Communication How to Talk to Hot Girls (or anyone) Better In a world of digital social, being social in person is becoming more and more important.
Stories Getting High with a Stranger in Japan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We were talking on the couch in a hostel lobby in Tokyo. It was snowing outside, the first time in November for 60-years. My friend had gone to sleep, he had a flight to catch the next morning. The guy I was talking to was from America. He had
Stories The Two Most Dangerous Words in the English Language I cried in the bathroom for 10-minutes. I got in trouble at work. The reason wasn’t worth remembering, so I can’t explain why. Wrong place wrong time. Completely my fault. I watched people’s feet under the stall walking in and out, carefully timing my exit. I had